Qualcomm Technologies has announced the new Quick Charge 5 charging technology is being made commercially available. This makes it the fastest commercial charging technology for Android smartphones and devices and will support more than 100W of charging power for Android phones. Qualcomm says Quick Charge 5 will be able to juice up a smartphone battery from 05 to 50% in just 5 minutes. This new charging standard will allow phone makers to deploy stacked batteries and will support phones that run the Qualcomm Snapdragon 865, Snapdragon 865 Plus and what Qualcomm calls future premium and higher-tier Snapdragon mobile platforms.

“Quick Charge 5, our fastest and most versatile charging solution, will enable consumers to enjoy their devices for longer periods of time, without worrying about the time required to recharge. We are proud to expand our technology portfolio and make accessible 100W+ charging a commercial reality,” says Ev Roach, VP Product Management, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. Qualcomm says Quick Charge 5 is 70 percent more efficient than its predecessor, Quick Charge 4, and delivers 10 times more power than Quick Charge 1.

With such fast power delivery rates, Qualcomm isn’t taking any risks with the built-in protections. The Quick Charge 5 standard integrates as many as 8 levels of voltage protection as well as 3 levels each for current protection, thermal protection and timer protection. The charging will adjust according to the power source at the time, and that will depend on voltage and current behaviour as well as the quality of power being delivered to the charger at the time. Qualcomm also says that Quick Charge 5 runs about 10 degrees cooler than its predecessor.

With Quick Charge 4, Qualcomm is also introducing the next generation premium tier power management ICs (PMIC), Qualcomm SMB1396 and Qualcomm SMB1398. “Supporting 1SnP and 2SnP batteries, wired and wireless input paths, adaptive operation based on the power source (3 level buck and DIV/2), and scalability (primary and secondary to provide higher power), Qualcomm SMB1396 and Qualcomm SMB1398 are engineered to provide maximum efficiency above 98 percent. Finally, they can support higher than 20V input voltage operation to accommodate the highest power levels from both wireless and wired power sources. Qualcomm SMB1396/SMB1398 are now available,” says the company.

So, by when can you expect to see the Quick Charge 5 standard support on smartphones? It is expected that smartphones and accessories with Quick Charge 5 will arrive in a few months’ time, which is Q3 2020.

Quick Charge 5 will also be backward compatible with Quick Charge 2.0, 3.0, 4, 4+ standards—which are present on more than 1200 smartphones and accessories already.


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