EVE-NG (Emulated Virtual Environment-Next Generation) is a network emulation tool that requires a virtual environment to run on macOS. Since macOS on Apple Silicon uses ARM architecture, installing EVE-NG involves using a virtual machine that can run a compatible Linux distribution. Here’s a step-by-step guide to installing EVE-NG on macOS Silicon:

1. Install UTM
UTM is a virtual machine software that supports macOS on Apple Silicon and can run x86 and ARM-based virtual machines.

– Download UTM from [UTM’s website](https://mac.getutm.app/).
– Install UTM by opening the downloaded `.dmg` file and dragging UTM to your Applications folder.

2. Download a Linux Distribution
EVE-NG runs on Linux, so you’ll need an appropriate Linux distribution ISO file. Ubuntu is a popular choice.

– Go to the [Ubuntu website](https://ubuntu.com/download) and download the Ubuntu Server ISO. The server version is preferable for performance.

3. Create a Virtual Machine in UTM
– Open UTM and click on the “+” button to create a new virtual machine.
– Choose “Virtualize” if you’re using an ARM64 version of Ubuntu or “Emulate” for an x86 version.
– Select “Linux” as the Operating System.
– In the “System” tab, allocate at least 2 CPUs and 4 GB of RAM (more if your Mac has more resources).
– In the “Drives” tab, add the Ubuntu ISO you downloaded as a removable drive.
– Create a new disk image for the VM’s storage, allocate at least 20 GB.

4. Install Ubuntu
– Start the VM and follow the Ubuntu installation process.
– Once Ubuntu is installed, remove the ISO from the removable drive and restart the VM.

5. Install EVE-NG on Ubuntu
Connect to your VM using SSH or the UTM console, and then follow the steps to install EVE-NG:

1. Update and Upgrade the System:**
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y

2. Install EVE-NG Community Edition:**
sudo apt -y install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:gns3/ppa
sudo apt update
sudo apt -y install eve-ng

3. Install Additional Packages:**
sudo apt -y install eve-ng-docker eve-ng-tools eve-ng-integration-pack

4. Start and Enable Services:**
sudo systemctl enable eve-ng
sudo systemctl start eve-ng

5. Access EVE-NG Web Interface:**
– Open a browser on your Mac and go to `https://<IP-of-your-VM>/`.
– The default credentials are usually `admin`/`eve`.

6. Additional Configuration
– You may need to configure networking to bridge the VM’s network with your Mac’s network.
– Upload and configure your network device images within the EVE-NG web interface.

### Note:
Performance on ARM-based Macs might vary, and some specific network device images may have compatibility issues. For best results, consult the EVE-NG documentation and community forums for tips on optimizing your setup.

If you have specific issues or need more detailed instructions on any step, feel free to ask!

Looking for predefined eve-ng images >>> coming soon in same thread

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